Heroin Addiction

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Quit Smoking Weed

Quit Smoking Weed

When you inhale weed, THC moves quickly from your lungs to your bloodstream to get you stoned. From that point on, weed is completely different to any other drug… Why? Because after getting you high:
Metabolites of marijuana store in the fat cells of your body and stay there for months!
Think that makes it harder to quit? It does.
With weed getting stronger over time, this is one of the main reasons people find it so hard to quit
While still inside your body, marijuana is released slowly back into the bloodstream
This gives you a lack of focus, mood swings, low energy, headaches, stomach pains, and even sometimes still feeling stoned – even if you haven’t been smoking for many days
The real problem? Cravings to smoke more marijuana

IMPORTANT: You may already have a build up of toxins in your body!
Smoking regularly gives you a build up of toxins, which can cause you to smoke more often…
Bringing you even more toxins
The cycle doesn’t end unless you take action
The problem here is, to quit weed without understanding your addiction is kind of like somebody trying to quit smoking cigarettes yet still sucking down 2 or 3 smokes every single day – and continue feeding their addiction for months!

If you are trying to quit smoking weed and you still have cravings to smoke it, you might be doing things the hard way. I have found that using willpower alone, is not the best method to quit marijuana successfully.
Click Here!

how to quit smoking weed

Stop Smoking Weed - Tips to Quit Marijuana

Many people who decided they want to quit marijuana have no idea where to begin. This article discusses some simple steps you can take to begin the journey of quitting marijuana. Take the first step and set a quit date, then write it down!
Set a Date to Quit Smoking Weed.
how to quit smoking weed
The purpose of setting a quit date, is to allow yourself to get mentally and physically prepared to quit smoking marijuana. Your quit date should be an actual date. It should not be when your stash runs out, or roughly a week before the next semester of school starts, or next month. It is important to nail down the date. In my personal experience, before I learned to set a date that I would stop, I used to smoke my stash as quickly as possible. I did this because I convinced myself that each bag was my last bag. When my bag ran out, I would buy another one, and smoke it just as quickly, convincing myself that it was also the last bag. Does this sound familiar? I recommend setting your quit date, within one month of the current date. If you wait any longer, you are less likely to follow through with your goal. It is a great idea to set your quit date just before a vacation begins, or other major event. Quitting Marijuana is a lifestyle change. If you attach it to another lifestyle change, you are more likely to be successful.
Understand your Addiction.
Marijuana addiction is a controversial topic because people fail to differentiate between a physical addiction and a psychological addiction. While marijuana has physical withdrawal symptoms similar to that of cigarettes, it is the psychological aspect of the addiction but most users struggle with. Long-term marijuana smokers are in the habit of smoking pot every day and are used to being in a stoned mindset. While you do not have a physical need for marijuana, you do have a mental need to get high. that's the tricky thing about it. It's not that you're addicted to marijuana, it's that your mentally addicted to being high. the more we smoke, the more our brains get used to being high, and the more we crave that state of mind. he will go through a mental battle when you stop smoking weed. You need to prepare for battle.
Get Rid of Your Gear
Marijuana smokers have lots of great gadgets. You may want to give all of your supplies to friends, or you may wish to throw them away or break them as a symbol of your resolve to stop smoking weed. Whatever you do, clean your environment so that there is no trace of marijuana or of marijuana related equipment. Cravings are easier to resist when there is nothing immediately in front of you. People will do some strange things to get stoned, including smoking pipe resin, checking the cushions for weed crumbs and roaches, or even digging through the trash to find the last scraps they threw away. I will admit, I have done all of these things in the past.
Be prepared for withdrawal.
Not being prepared for marijuana withdrawal is the number one reason that people fail to quit smoking. If you've got a quit date set, you're already ahead of the game, because you know when you will be going through withdrawal, and you'll be prepared. Anxiety is very common in the first stages of withdrawal. For example, you have probably been through a time when you just run out of pot and have made plans to get more but it didn't work out. You are on edge and jittery until you can secure a new supply, or at least get stoned. Multiply this by 10 times, you will have an idea of what the anxiety can be like if you are unprepared to quit for good. Insomnia and loss of appetite are also common in the first week of quitting. Do your research on what withdrawal will be like so that you can be mentally prepared to face these problems when they arise after you quit smoking weed.
Have a Plan to Stop Smoking Weed
Most people can't quit because they don't know what to expect, or don't have a plan. If you want to be fully prepared and successful when you stop smoking weed, check out http://www.marijuana-addict.com
You can quit make a plan and finally quit for good.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=John_A_Mckee